I am a copy editor and developmental editor specializing in fantasy, science fiction, and historical fiction. There’s nothing like good genre fiction—it pulls you into a world entirely different from your own. But each genre comes with its own strengths and pitfalls. As you revise your manuscript and prepare it for publication, your goal is to find an editor who understands the material.

Fantasy and science fiction rely on world building, and the way you present information is critical. The most successful stories reveal enough background to keep the reader immersed but withhold enough to engage their curiosity and keep them wanting to find out more. A strong plot structure allows you to get your ideas across in an order the reader can understand, without making them feel like you’re trying to hold their hand or overexplain. At the same time, you want to write characters that feel like their lives are believably woven into that rich, deep setting. These are challenges for writers of any skill level, and it’s no wonder so many F&SF writers benefit from a second set of eyes.
Historical fiction is also about creating a richly detailed world—writing characters and places that feel real. The difference is that the world you’re building really existed, and you’ve got to get it right. Ideas, technology, and clothing have to match the setting. Timelines have to make sense. And most importantly, you have to find that flawless balance where your characters feel relatable, yet still sound like they’re in the right time period.
The fiction market is competitive, and if you're planning to submit your manuscript to publishers, it needs to be virtually perfect. I go over your manuscript line by line to correct errors and smooth out issues with clarity, tone, and consistency where necessary. I edit both novels and shorter works, specializing in fantasy, science fiction, and historical fiction.
Feel like your draft needs more work? I also provide developmental edits for fiction, offering a deep evaluation of character development, plot, tone, flow, and other elements of storytelling to identify a manuscript's strengths and weaknesses with suggestions for improvement. I give you both the long and short version—thorough commentary and reactions throughout the manuscript, as well as a summary of the main points. I specialize in fantasy, science fiction, and historical fiction.
Whether you're writing proposals, creating presentations, or sending out brochures and reports, you need to make your message heard. I work with companies to improve the way they communicate with their clients and consumers.
Your company's website exists to engage consumers, keep them entertained, and help them find what they need. I've edited a wide range of web content, including articles, blog posts, and marketing copy, to ensure that it's error-free and matches each client's target audience.
Reach out to an English-speaking audience and make it easier to publish your work by improving the quality of your writing. I will correct grammar, spelling, and word usage and ensure that your ideas are easily understood.